Twitter account activity

You are somewhat right, but we will prove that this project has the support of a large community.

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social media’s are a part of our life and it’s very powerful.and Twitter is great

lets make some sound out there…!

i agree with this :+1: :+1:

you are right, i look forward to do that.
I think Gyro should make more rooms for it, may some more space rooms

I agree with you. we should try our best to introduce this project.

Definitely, We must do that

good idea, i’m agree

I dont like Twitter comunikator . For me is better be in touch on gov.gyro

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I agree ots important to be active on twitter.

I think it’s a good idea. it only depends on our community whether we will be active and where


We should do everything to ensure that this project develops as well as possible

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You’re right, we mustn’t forget about Twitter activity

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I think we should do more on discord

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Twitter help us reach marketing goals - whether that’s building awareness, driving consideration, or delivering conversions.

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dont forgot about Discord and this forum , Not only Twitter is important :smiley: :safety_vest:

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i agree with you ! But we must not forget about the Discord channel and recommending this project to our friends


yeah this is correct completely. :innocent:


Yes, Twitter is the best environment to be better known