Discuss the tradeoff: 'large' community vs sybil resistant community

As a testnet user of many blockchain projects on different networks I don’t understand what sort of tesnet is gyro trying to hold , the pre tested challenges which the results already sorted out and snapshots got taken is not going to show who’s human or who’s bot I appreciate Sybil resistance like anti whale feature on other projects but it has supposed to be testnet game which shouldn’t include mainnet activities , this is great to appreciate those who are really into governance community stuff but these challenges are not qualified, I’m a teacher, me as a Teacher have no permission to give my students exams which indicates their past marks or behaviors and count that so called exam as their current result , they have done it in the past I’ve never been there to ask so I have no permission to ask for the results of what I didn’t request, but gyro wanted so , I believe these challenges are pissing off your community , the community which started testnet and have your frog NFT , I know some people are greedy and used multiple wallet for doing tesnet and they must be stopped but this is not the way , the people like me who tried testnet only with one wallet are getting sacrificed for haunting them down, you can evaluate your loyal users in a long period of time started from testnet time not years ago because some are new to crypto if newbies were not there market cap could not grow like this , I hope you make fair challenges instead of pre tested results, the community is the only thing you got even if you have much much more capitals and powerful team than the other projects but you have no community your token will be dead just see what paraswap team did , they ruined their projects by ignoring their community now they have nothing not loyal members not those who supported them at first


Hi dear Hadi and tnx for your worthwhile opinion
I agree with you that project challenges on frog games got overcomplicated and make users confused.
but in my opinion, the main reason of these strange challenges is that Gyro is based on DAO very very much than other projects (cuz the mechanism of stabilizing Gyrostablecoin is directly related to DAO) and in other words project needs a professional DAO to stay alive! and because of that it will be so normal to face with such as hard challenges for users haven’t POAP etc (we should accept that POAP owners are often professional users; what exactly project needed)
besides other users should prove their nobility which is hard!
another think i believe in is difference between DAO (which i explain about it) and usual community;
I believe without community no project can still alive (even with most smartest DAO) so after Gyro were assured by making its noble DAO then we should wait for easier challenges to make other parts of community.
so stay tuned :wink:


hi hadi. you explained very well and thanks about that :+1:
I think you made a very important point here. The gyroscope team should consider this.


Dear @hadifab
Your concern about the future of the GyroStable is very valuable to us and thank you for providing us with your valuable experiences. Active community is very valuable for gyro, so we will have plans in the future to compare users based on the level of activity and responsibilities, but Sybil challenges are only designed to eliminate hunters, and we will do our best to not delete real users in this process, it is not easy, but I believe that the main team is concerned about this issue seriously.

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Thank you for your good comment :raised_hands:t5:, as you mentioned, active community is the most important tool of Dao in achieving its goals and therefore active users will be identified, the number of community users is also an important issue that you mentioned and as far as I know In the future, based on the experiences gained, new members may be added to the community to reach the desired quorum in terms of number of members. Honestly, the existence of users who are deeply involved in the project and understand the nature of Dao, like you, makes me and other moderators happy and proud.
Teamwork with caring and active people is really enjoyable, hoping for great success. :beers:


Thank you sir
that’s my honor
Absolutely we can make it great together

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