Decentralized access to the Gyroscope Protocol

Decentralized access to the Gyroscope Protocol

If eligible, you have two options available to mint the Gyroscope DAO NFT:

  • Option 1: follow the instructions on:

  • Option 2: use a tool hosted on IPFS and interact with the smart contract via Etherscan

FTL Labs has made a tool available on IPFS that checks whether an address is eligible for an NFT against a merkle tree. If eligible, information from the merkle proof can be used to mint the Gyroscope DAO NFT on Ethereum.

This route is more decentralized: the user directly interacts with the contract on Etherscan, and the code for the IPFS hosted tool is fully open-sourced and pinned via Fleek.

For instructions on how to directly interact with the relevant contracts via Etherscan, see below. Please note that minting will remain open, there is no need to rush. We suggest minting when gas prices are favorable.

Why bother with offering a decentralized option?

To realize Gyroscope’s purpose of providing better DeFi infrastructure, access to Gyroscope should always be possible via a decentralized interface. The Gyroscope Protocol is decentralized and permissionless and has no gatekeepers. This is aligned with the Gyroscope vision: DeFi infrastructure should be open and governed by its users.

Providing the tools to ensure the user can interact with the contracts directly via Etherscan allows users to access the Gyroscope protocol without relying on the FTL Labs frontend or another intermediary.

How does this work, at a technical level?

The decentralized tool for the NFT claims process was deployed onto IPFS using Fleek. The tool available on IPFS checks whether an address is eligible for an NFT against a merkle tree. Every change to the codebase is automatically pushed to IPFS as a new version and pinned. The IPFS releases can be found on GitHub.

When a user visits the domain, the following takes place:

  1. The browser first looks up the DNS record and finds a CNAME to This is the address of the server for Fleek’s IPFS gateway
  2. The server looks up the DNSLink TXT record for the subdomain. That record contains the IPFS hash of the latest release
  3. The Fleek IPFS gateway then fetches the content using the IPFS protocol and serves the proof generation tool to the browser via HTTPS.

What exactly is a Merkle tree?

A Merkle tree is a structure used to efficiently verify the integrity and content of a data set.

It is a cryptographic primitive commonly used in DeFi and the broader Web3. Please refer to Wikipedia or an article by Binance Academy for further information.

What are the next steps? How to claim the Gyroscope DAO NFT?

Generally, FTL Labs will look for ways that make self-hosting your own interface and tools seamless. Since the NFT claims process will, however, not be a recurring event, the decentralized tool is implemented on a minimal viable basis.

In order to claim your NFTs you will thus have to follow the below process:

  1. Generate a merkle proof at:
  2. Interact with the deployed minting contract via Etherscan: FrogMinter | Address 0xe02f11277cfa84c696370c097c51848c6a6523b3 | Etherscan

Visual walk-through

Step 1: Generate a merkle proof

Make sure to enter the eligible testnet address and the Ethereum mainnet address of your choice. Please note that the minted NFT will be temporarily non-transferable.

Step 2: Interact with the minting contract via Etherscan

Expand the attribute ‘’ of the minting contract by clicking on it.

Paste the ‘output’ information obtained in Step 1 into the two respective fields. Also make sure to connect your wallet to Etherscan via MetaMask or WalletConnect.

Mint the NFT by writing to the minting smart contract. You will have to confirm the transaction in your wallet (e.g. in MetaMask). This will cost a small gas fee.

If the gas costs of this transaction are absurdly high this is an indicator that some error occured. Make sure to double check your input or ask for help in the Gyroscope Discord.