Compulsory KYC?

Will the platform ask for compulsory KYC? Is there any clarification by devs? Any help appreciated.


i dont think . they care to commuinity opinion . and most of people dont interest to KYC for different resons :slightly_smiling_face:


welcome to Decentralized World … no kyc and stay Anonymous :grin:

i think a Decentralized product dont need kyc mate


This is Decentralized project not (cz_binance) cex bullshits

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@erfanln totally agreed!!!

@sazstore2000 agreed!

@dina3 good point! Agreed.

@arcanecorex please post questions like this in the Discord forum.

It’s probably best to split how the Gyroscope Discord and forum are used. An obvious split would be to keep troubleshooting, short questions etc in the Discord and use the forum for more technical debates and ‘big picture’ ideas. Ultimately, that’s of course up to you and everyone else in the community.

Closing this topic since there is already one open topic on Sybil resistance / KYC here - let’s try to keep the forum clean and easy to use :slight_smile:

Sybil resistance topic: Sybil resistance