What's your idea about domain name services? (ENS, TNS, ...)

it can affect the credit of the project


of course yes, domain name like address in URL because of easy to learn and save in the mind.

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no i donā€™t agree with that
i think that its just use for secondary account, so the main account should remain unknown because of the privacy.


This is only a taste of what might transpire when it comes to the decentralized webā€™s possibilities, many of which are already available for you to take advantage of. If we continue moving away from Web 2.0 and closer to the decentralized web, these areas will flourish as users reclaim ownership of the internet from the current massive and centralized corporations. Now is a better time than ever to get a blockchain domain and connect to the decentralized web.


I agree like it


because with ENS no need to memorize address and we convert simple name to eth address easily


maybe an important role

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maybe it has an important role


ENS is very important in future
DNS is a service to convert Fully Qualify Domain Name (FQDN) to IP address and ENS use for convert easy name like wallet1.irancbt1.eth to wallet address in blockchain

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We will hear more than ENS
ENS will be important in a decentralized world and Web 3

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projects like ENS are necessary for web 3

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Can you still purchase one?

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please read this topic :upside_down_face:


I think this is a token sign: $Gyro :sunglasses:

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This is also a very important issue. I think the gyro can handle this issue well

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Is Gyro a domain service or could it be?
Maybe we all should buy one domain name. Can anybody tell me how much one should normally pay for a domain name? :thinking:

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