Telegram channel for the gyroscope project

@masoud_msd @iman_sh3003

Imagine all the Discord users gathered in a room and talking. I do not think it is very interesting.

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exactly…user friendly and SAFE

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It is always very comfortable and enjoyable to work with Telegram, especially its many features can be used in channels and groups. It is also accessible to a large number of users

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Yes I agree with you.
I’d not like Telegram for this activities, But I think it would be useful if we have Telegram Channels for announcements in other languages, because there is some people who use Telegram as their daily social media platform.

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Hi,that is good suggest


Yes. This is a good idea


This is great…better communication with dao members

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yes its a Great suggestion :sunglasses: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

what do u think ? @galvanic2000 @Doraaa1010


yes , this is good idea

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It is much easier to follow the project in Telegram :+1:
I could see it every minute in my phone

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Good idea , but I think creating a announcement channel in telegram is better than a discussion group …

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i like this suggestion :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

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Exactly my suggestion is to form a channel, not a group for discussion.

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In my opinion, it is unnecessary

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I find this unnecessary discord twitter and this forum is enough

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let’s invite friends to discor, twitter


The purpose of establishing the Telegram channel is simply to provide quick information about the gyroscope project plans (no a group for discussion). I also believe that other methods are enough for dialogue. However, Telegram also has its own characteristics.


Yes I agree with you becouse community in telegram is so vast and it helps to grow up the project


I agree some people are not familiar with Discord