Final Proposal on GGWP 1 - Bootstrapping the DAO and giving FTL Labs a mandate to build Gyro v1

Great Idea and Amazing Job!!!

—Show Must Go On—


did gyroscope or FTL Labs receive funding directly? just assuming there was some sort of seed round for this. though from the above guessing FTL sold equity and the DAO is established independently of that? would be interested to know. sorry if this was addressed earlier, hard to get through all the “great post” one line comments lol. in any case, this seems like a solid split relative to most things i’ve seen so no big problem with the above.


Well done! keep it up.

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nice idea! gyro dao will be great thing to be part of

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it’s so honer as a gyro community member vote for it

let us fighting go !!!

i like the gyro amm design support u guys

seems promising and am impatiently to see how it works

agree , hope we can see it soon on mainnet

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: great job , I hope this project boost.

wow enjoy this moment , dao is the key let’s go

total agree , wen mainnet ser ?

Looks good to me too…

always thanks the core member work just do it

let’s build the community

thanks for u hard work , hope we will succeed !!!

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just do it. bootstrap the gyro dao

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deploy multi-sig contract. fully agreee & launch the dao

The proposal looks good to me

Great look awesome ,100% agree :heart_eyes:

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